The only way to find out whether your electrical services equipment is safe is to have it inspected by a qualified electrician. These days, many consumers choose to have their house inspected for faulty wiring and many local councils and government agencies partly fund this process. So it makes sense to have your house checked if you have any concerns. The check involves not only the an examination of your wiring and specific appliances that may be causing your concern.
It is a basic rule of thumb that we should exercise care with electricity in our houses because we all know the ramifications of not doing so. Nearly every week we hear of tragedies involving fires that have been caused by bad wiring or faulty appliances. Insurance companies also sponsor regular checks so there is really no reason why you should remain in danger of faulty electrical equipment.
If you think you have an appliance which is faulty a simple visual inspection will normally be enough but make sure you follow sensible safe procedures.
If you are at all uncertain about the safety of your equipment stop using it and have it thoroughly checked. Even if you are not going to have your house wiring checked its easy to take the appliance to an inspection centre to make sure it is in safe operating condition.
It's a good idea to make sure your appliances are regularly checked especially if they more than 5 years old. If appliances are used on a daily basis, then you may wish to have them inspected more regularly.
Items such as fans, table lamps home photocopiers or fax machines should be inspected every 2 years at the very least. Other items which come in for heavy use such as electric kettles or floor cleaners should be checked by your electrician every year.